I’m super excited to present my brand new blog/website! I’ve been wanting to bring this site back for a while but time, resources, and energy were lacking. With the past year’s events, I realized that I needed to be doing things that I loved and not just what other people wanted me to do.
I reached out to the amazing Kaci Elizabeth on a friend’s recommendation with literally just an idea for a galaxy theme and she came back with this incredible design! I couldn’t be more thankful and I highly, highly recommend her if you need a new theme for your WordPress site. I mean, wow. <3
If you aren’t familiar with me, hello! I’m so glad you’re here, really and truly. That you’ve found your way here is just crazy and awesome to me. I’m Lizzie and I first started my book blog at Blogger in 2010, aptly titled Darkly Honest. I was 15 at the time so naturally, I was quite the wordsmith with that name. The blog moved around a bit, from Blogger to WordPress and later to this very domain (powered by WP then and now) before I decided in 2015 that blogging was somehow not what I was supposed to be doing. Unfortunately, that decision was enormously stupid. I lost my way, a little bit, and it was a long time before I realized that it actually was the right thing to be doing. I love talking about books, reading them, writing them, just being in the conversation! I missed a lot in those six years and I hate how I let that happen all because of some self-imposed timeline.
In the years since, I’ve job-hopped, went back to school to study cyber security, decided I hated that, job-hopped some more, and decided on pursuing a degree in Creative Writing and English Literature at Southern New Hampshire University. I know my calling in life is have my feet firmly planted somewhere in the book publishing industry, whether that be through authoring, editing, or agenting. The hope is being an author but I’m exploring all my options because the creative landscape is decidedly difficult. But knowing firmly what I’d been suspecting all along is a good place to start.
I’m still working on some finishing touches but I’ve tried to make a couple pages accessible to start out. Try not to judge me too harshly if they’re strange or strangely worded as I get everything sorted. 😉 My first review is in the works right this second so be sure to keep an eye out!
In the mean time, please follow me on social media! Instagram, Goodreads, Twitter.